From Pastor Rex and Pastor Precious

Greetings from Malawi. We thank you all for your prayers and support. May God bless you.

As we travel around in the ministry we meet many needy people but some situations are very touching and makes one to shed tears.

We thank God for some families that send some little money for such cases. Your help is bringing hope to the hopeless and we do not take it for granted.

When giving help to such people we use the local church deacons who help in distribution. Prayers are conducted and Word of encouragement from The Bible is shared to encourage them that God is with us even in difficult circumstances like theirs. Then they receive what has been prepared for them.

The attached pictures are of some people that have benefited from such help.

Some villagers have been without food for many days. Last week we visited the villages Khanyepa in Chiradzulu District, Tengani in Nsanje, and Phanda in Chikwawa District. This is a special donation that come as a little one for special cases as we await for large amounts.

This is the family of Maria Phiri from Chiradzulu District. They sleep for many days without food. The children have no proper clothes and they stopped going to school. Those were the only clothes. Their father abandoned them and is no where to be seen. They sleep in a house without a door and it leaks. They have no blankets. They have been starving indeed.

Left: Maria is now receiving a bag of maize for her family. Right: A deacon helping Maria to carry her bag.

⁠⁠⁠Apart from food we also brought clothes for Maria’s children. They look changed in their new clothes.

Starving children scrambling for food in Shire Valley! Lost parents due to the 2015 floods.

Left: Another Shire Valley victim who lost his family due to floods! Very needy indeed! Centre: Maria’s house!  Right: An elder thanking God for the gift to Maria.

May God bless all that have sent their help for such kind of people and it is our prayer that God will remember you for remembering some of His elect who are suffering in this life.