
MARA (Malawi Africa Relief Association)

Timely relief and situation-specific support for the furtherance of the reformed gospel in Malawi and throughout Africa.



Comfort ye, Comfort Ye My People

A tract by Pas Connors, on the occasion of the 2019 floods in Malawi & Mozambique Comfort ye, Comfort Ye My People (Isaiah 40:1) Dearly beloved, suffering, children of God of the EPCM, Praise God, you have been gathered into... Continue Reading →

Malawian News Clippings (13 Mar 2019)

An Appeal for Funds for Flood Relief

(Photo credit: Department of Disaster Management Affairs, Malawi government)   Brethren, I bring sad tidings that there has been a major calamity in Malawi. Just when things were looking promising for a seasonable harvest of maize next month, the land... Continue Reading →

Featured post

Cyclone Idai to hit Malawi

Tropical Cyclone Idai is scheduled to hit Malawi from Thursday (14 Mar 2019), bringing heavy rainfall to Central and Northern Regions of Malawi. Flooding and damage is likely. Please pray earnestly that the Lord will come to their rescue. ...... Continue Reading →

Flooding in Malawi

An urgent update from Pas Rex: This week has not been good for Malawi especially Southern and Central Regions. It has been raining so heavily day and night and has resulted in floods and collapsing of houses. Many have been... Continue Reading →

Relief Update Aug-Sep 2018

Glory be to God for His Grace which is sufficient for His elect. We will always praise Him for everything including His Providence. As we said in July report by The design of God most parts of Malawi did not... Continue Reading →

Relief Update July 2018

After receiving word about the famine situation due to another year of drought in parts of Malawi, and the devastation of crops by army worms, we have restarted relief work. Priority has been given to the places hardest hit by... Continue Reading →

2017 Annual Report From The Evangelical Presbyterian Church For The Lord’s Work In Malawi And Mozambique

INTRODUCTION Brothers and sisters of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia and Pilgrim Covenant Church – Singapore: To begin with receive greetings from The Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Malawi and Mozambique. It is our hope and prayers that The Lord... Continue Reading →

Relief for the Pastors

Pas Rex reports. Malawi and Mozambique depend on farming for income. Without rain it becomes a challenge. We thank God that the 2017-18 planting season is in progress. The families of Pastors also spend some of their time in the... Continue Reading →

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