
MARA (Malawi Africa Relief Association)

Timely relief and situation-specific support for the furtherance of the reformed gospel in Malawi and throughout Africa.



Relief update (30 Jan 2017)

MARA-FT1702   Greetings from Malawi. Thank God for the gift from First Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore. This has assisted our relief team and the deacons to reach many hunger starving people in the Shire Valley. Distribution took place in... Continue Reading →

Lest I be poor, and steal

In the proverbs of Agur (Prov 30:8-9), he prays that his lot in life will neither be one of riches or poverty. In one case he fears the temptation to be proud, on the other hand he fears the temptation... Continue Reading →

Relief update (13 Jan 2017)

MARA-FT1701   We got the money on last Wednesday and the relief team rushed to the hunger suffering people of the Shire Valley. Distribution was done on Friday and Saturday. 220 bags have been distributed. May God bless the Criswell... Continue Reading →

Relief Update (17 Dec 2016)

⁠⁠⁠Life Bible Presbyterian Church  of Singapore and EPC Australia sent us funds to buy maize for the needy.  The relief team members went to Phalombe and Mulanje Districts where needy people received maize for food. It was done in different... Continue Reading →

Fund raising 2017 calendars

The 2017 fundraising calendars are out! At AUD$16 (+ postage) these handsome calendars are a great way to remember the folk in Malawi, and the Tasmanian holidays are a good way for folk in the mainland to know when to... Continue Reading →

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