
MARA (Malawi Africa Relief Association)

Timely relief and situation-specific support for the furtherance of the reformed gospel in Malawi and throughout Africa.


fund raising appeal

An Appeal for Funds for Flood Relief

(Photo credit: Department of Disaster Management Affairs, Malawi government)   Brethren, I bring sad tidings that there has been a major calamity in Malawi. Just when things were looking promising for a seasonable harvest of maize next month, the land... Continue Reading →

Featured post

Malawi Financial Updates 2016-2017

This report is to provide an overview of the accounting mechanisms that MARA has been operating with. MARA began operation in Nov 2016 and immediately began disbursing funds to support the EPCM (Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Malawi) relief work for... Continue Reading →

Humanitarian Assistance for Poor Christians in Malawi

Excerpts from a letter to Calvinistic Churches in Singapore on Behalf of EPCM, by Rev JJ Lim, 28 Nov 2016. By the mercies of our Lord, Pilgrim Covenant Church (PCC) has,—in partnership with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia (EPCA),—been... Continue Reading →

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