
MARA (Malawi Africa Relief Association)

Timely relief and situation-specific support for the furtherance of the reformed gospel in Malawi and throughout Africa.



Luchenza Presbytery

During the week end we had a children catechism gathering for Luchenza Presbytery. We are encouraging all congregations to train the young ones in catechism, Bible stories, Bible Knowledge, memorization of verses. So we organised 11th June, 2017 as a... Continue Reading →

A Peak into the EPCM Presbytery Licensing Trials

Held at Thuchira Tourist Lodge at Mulanje Mountain by Phalombe 13-25 April 2017 by Rev JJ Lim “Bam, bam! bam, bam!!” It was 5.20 am and still dark. I was already awake, but who could it be this early in... Continue Reading →

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